Spelling Words

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Peek at the week 10/27-10/31

Week of October 27 - 31, 2014

Spelling words:  we, clean, tree, seen, these, most, new, only, after, day
Bonus: engineer, believe, achieve
Long E
Asking and Answering ?s about unknown words; Summarizing
Vocabulary: organize, discuss, describe
Writing: Informational Writing
Addition Strategies
Science: STEM Activity with There Was An Old Lady Who Wasn’t Afraid of Anything: The Pumpkin Ghost
Our library day is on Friday! Make sure your child brings his/her library book back to school.

1.Study spelling words! 

2. Practice "Lightning Words" {see sheet in Daily Folder}
3. Pumpkin Book Report

4. Spider number order
5. Read every night!
*PLEASE sign and return report cards in the envelope by Monday!

Addition Fact Fluency
Please practice addition flash cards and computerized games at home over the next few weeks.  The more fluent students are with math facts, the better they will be with completing math tasks efficiently in the future!  Thanks!


 Care Packages: For the Month of October

We will be collecting items to make care packages for our troops at home and overseas.  5th graders are asking first graders to send in:  toothbrush, toothpaste, and travel size body wash (men and ladies kind).  Also, small containers of instant coffee would be greatly appreciated. 

 Upcoming Events  

Daylight Savings Time Ends – Nov. 2
Belk Charity Day Event – Nov. 8
PTO- Nov. 11
Thanksgiving Feast – Nov. 14
Thanksgiving Break – Nov. 22 – Nov. 30

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