Spelling Words

Friday, January 20, 2017

Week of January 23rd-27th

Week of January 23rd-27th
Here’s a peek at next week!

Phonics Family Words: smart, star, hard, park, sharp, reread, undo, pretest, misplace, dislike

Phonics- ar

Reading: Daily 5 will be a review of the expectations for groups and how to rotate to groups. Students will continue to identify the main topic and supporting details as well as ask and answer questions. Students will also identify the meaning of words from phrases. Students will read like texts and compare them. (alike/different) We will also review cause and effect this week.  There will be a penguin theme in reading texts. 

L.Arts: Fix it up: capital letters, punctuation, and spelling. Students will continue to learn about adjectives. What are shades or meaning? Mentor Text – “Tacky the Penguin”

Writing Workshop: We will continue our focus on Opinion writing. What ideas are important to include when writing your opinion?  How can I organize my thoughts to share my opinion? How do I provide reasoning for my opinion? Students will revisit editing this week. 

Math: Students will revisit addition this week and move to two digit addition. We will review base 10 strategies, as well as, adding on a hundreds chart and using an open number line to solve each equation. Students will review how to analyze data.

Positive Discipline: Focus on effort – What strategies should I use so I have a “Superflex Brain” and not a “Rock Brain”?

STEM: This week our focus will be on light and shadows. How does light work to form shadows? Can there be a shadow without light?


* Reading Passage - Penguins
*Math – addition/ subtraction practice strategies on your own at home
*Review your phonics family words nightly

Rocky Branch Elementary School holds a Father/Daughter Dance each year for girls and their fathers or a special friend. The money from the entry fee for each couple is sent to Relay for Life. The cost is $35 per couple and the event will be held on Friday, February 3rd at 6:00 pm. Please email me if you have any questions about reservations. Take advantage of ticket pre-orders by turning in the pink slip sent home with your daughter by January 31st.

At Rocky Branch our focus is on finding solutions to our problems. We have been learning some techniques ( Ignore it, talk it over respectfully with the person, try to agree on a win-win solution or get help from the teacher) We are working to be problem solvers by using the wheel of choice that we created as a class and to share our thoughts with each other during class meetings. We have created bonds by sharing strategies that have worked in the past.

iMom Breakfast

What:              iMom Breakfast

Who:               Moms and their kindergarten and first grade students

When:             Monday, January 23, 2017 from 7:20 a.m. to 8 a.m.

Where:            Rocky Branch Elementary School cafeteria

Topic:              Persistence

You may order breakfast from Chick-fil-A for you and/or your child. It will be ready and waiting when you arrive the morning of the event. Each Chick-fil-A breakfast will include your choice of a chicken biscuit or chicken minis, orange juice, and coffee for adults for $3.50. Children may also purchase breakfast from the Rocky Branch cafeteria. School breakfasts will be charged to the student’s school meal account.

Dear RBES Parents,

We value parent input and encourage you to participate in the Georgia Department of Education annual parent school climate survey. The results will go into our school’s School Climate Star Rating, which is part of our annual College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI). The College and Career Ready Performance Index is Georgia’s tool for annually measuring how well its schools, districts, and the state itself are helping students achieve their goals. Every year, each school in Georgia receives a CCRPI score from 0 to 100. The School Climate Star Rating shows how well a school is fostering an atmosphere where students feel welcomed, safe, and respected.

The GaDOE will not make the survey’s raw data results public, but a school’s CCRPI scores, including its School Climate Star Rating are made public annually. The Georgia Parent Survey contains 24 questions. Parents may use their personal computers, smartphones or iPads to complete the survey. Parents that do not have access to the Internet, may contact the school to schedule a time to complete the survey at the school. The 2016-2017 survey window is open October 3, 2016- March 3, 2017. Please visit the following link to participate in the surveyhttp://apps.gadoe.org/schoolclimate/parents.nsf/Survey.xsp.

Thank you for your time and input into this important survey!

The RBES Faculty and Staff

Snack Reminders

Please be sure to send your child to school every day with a snack. Snacks should be quick and easy to eat, as we have five minutes for snack. Please be mindful of the sugar content in snacks and of our friends who have nut allergies. Thank you!

Six Flags Read to Succeed

Your child was sent home with a Six Flags Read to Succeed Student Reading Log. Keep track of your child’s reading with this log to qualify for a free ticket to Six Flags Over Georgia. Students must read and log 6 hours. Reading logs are due to Mrs. Skinner by February 10th, but may be turned in sooner if at least 6 hours are completed. I will distribute tickets in the spring when they arrive at school. If you need a new sheet, please let me know. Happy Reading!

Upcoming Events

iMom Breakfast – January 23rd

Daddy/Daughter Dance – February3rd at 6:00 pm

Wear RED Day - February 3rd  
Six Flags Reading Logs Due Feb. 10th

Winter Break – February 13th

Valentine’s Day (parties at 1:30pm) – February 14th

RBES On the Boarder Night – February 23rd(6-8 pm)

Have a great weekend!

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