Spelling Words

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Peek at the Week 3.19- 3.23

Here’s a peek at this week!
Responsive Classroom/Positive Discipline: How can I find a solution to my problem? What are expected behaviors in the classroom?
Phonics Family Words: fable, cuddle, little, puzzle, able, title., cradle, middle, shuttle, battle
Phonics: “le” patterns
Reading: Daily 5 implementation - compare and contrast stories; comprehension strategies; point of view practice
Mentor Sentence: “The judges picked Babushka’s eggs as the most beautiful.” -Rechenka’s Eggs
L.Arts: MAP skills practice; parts of a sentence
Writing Workshop: Informational writing with research; Spring creative writing
Social Studies: What is a producer/consumer? How do I know the difference between what I need and what I want?
Math: What is money? Identifying money names and value


  1. Study Phonics Family Words/Sight Words
  2. Finding the Evidence: The Lost Chick
  3. Money Cut and Paste/Color
READ! - Headsprouts practice/”Book in a Bag”
*Students should read their “Book in a Bag” the night it gets sent home, and then bring it back to school the next day for reading groups.

Shoe Tying
If your child hasn’t mastered this skill yet, please practice at home.

Snack Reminders
We have a ten minute snack break every morning after our Daily 5 reading block. Please send in a small, healthy (low in sugar) snack with your child every day.

Spring Pictures
First grade will take spring pictures on the morning of Monday, March 19th.
Upcoming Events
Spring Pictures - March 19th
Spring Break - April 2nd-6th
Zaxby’s Night - April 16th
Oconee County Relay for Life - April 20th from 6:00PM - 12:00AM
Quarterly Coffee with Administration - May 1st at 8:00AM
MAP Reading - April 23rd at 8:00AM
Bear Hollow Field Trip - May 3rd
MAP Math - May 8th at 8am
K-2 Field Day - May 10th

Last Day of School - May 18th

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